Been Busy!

I know, I know, I've been neglecting this blog that no one reads.  :)

I actually have a post that I'm going to be doing soon about how important it is to keep your dog cool during the summer ... but it will be a difficult post for me to write, so I've been putting it off.

Also, I've been working a LOT due to the storms in on the east coast, and haven't had time to do too much.

In the meantime, here is a video of Sadie performing the blanket dog intelligence test.  I thought it was funny as heck.  Sadie did not agree.


Murphy said...

Thanks for sharing your experience. It is unfortunate that you were put in this position at a young age but sharing your story might just help someone else by bringing awareness to this situation. I wanted to add that you have a very good blog. You may see more comments if you do not have word verification turned on. It is kind of a hot subject right now and those of us who read many blogs tend to fall away from those with word verification because it is so difficult when reading from a tablet or cell phone. The number part of it is even worse than the squishy letters. Anyway, if you are having a problem with spammers you can always use comment moderation too. Many bloggers do that. Good luck and I hope your readership increases!

Your friends,

Murphy & Stanley

Unknown said...

Murphy & Stanley,

Thanks for the comment! I was hesitant about telling the story, but I do feel better for writing it.

I think I will turn off word verification... even I have trouble deciphering it and I'm on a laptop... I can only imagine how it looks on a tablet or a cell phone.

Can't wait for the Doggy Olympics to start!

- Sadie's Mom

Anonymous said...

I read it! I just don't comment. The video was funny. Charlie gets out from under blankets fast, but tends to run into a lot of shit in the process.
-anonymous sister